What is a Recital?

Student perfroming on Stage during Recitals at Austin Arts Academy

Student performing on stage during recitals

What to expect during recitals with Austin Arts Academy, how to prepare & what to do if you experience performance anxiety.

Recitals are a time for our students at Austin Arts Academy to confidently perform musical pieces and display their artwork.

We’ve had students ask us recently… what is a recital?

And we realized that some Music & Art students may hesitate to participate in a recital because they don’t know what to expect or how they might feel in the situation because they have never experienced it before.

We always encourage all of our Music, Art, & Dance students and their families to attend a recital at Austin Arts Academy, as it is a wonderful opportunity to see in person all that we are doing and more!

This way they can see the stage and the flow of the performances, including how students walk up on stage, perform their pieces with the audience clapping and encouraging them, then return to the audience proud of what they just performed.

Etiquette Tips for Performers & Audience Members

Our music teacher Krysti Subieta performs at the Spring 2022 recitals.

Plus they also get to see some of the Austin Arts Academy teachers perform, as well as enjoy the reception that follows, with punch, cookies and art work displayed by Austin Arts Academy Art students.

Recital attendance as an audience member is always free, there is no cost to join us and experience it first hand.  But we also understand that you may not be able to attend, so we are happy to share with you what you can expect. 

At Austin Arts Academy, a recital is… 

A program where you have the opportunity to perform your favorite musical pieces or showcase beautiful artwork that you have chosen to display.

You will perform individually, with your teacher or as part of a group in front of a live audience. 

Student and Teacher perfroming on Stage during Recitals at Austin Arts Academy

Our music teacher Michael Brown performing a piano duet with his student at recitals

For example, you may be on stage by yourself, with your teacher or with a group of performers playing an instrument or singing what you have learned during Music lessons or classes at Austin Arts Academy.

You could also have your favorite artwork which you created during Art Class with Austin Arts Academy displayed in the lobby.

It’s also an option to do both, perform a musical piece and have art on display.

Art work displayed at Recitals, Austin Arts Academy

Austin Arts Academy Student Artwork displayed in the lobby & reception area.

If you are singing or playing an instrument, you will choose these piece(s) with your teacher at least 6 weeks prior to the recital date and progress each week during lessons.

You will also decide with your teacher if you would like to perform on your own, or with them as a duet. Members of group classes will perform with their classmates.

Course Catalog

Student and teacher perfroming on Stage during Recitals at Austin Arts Academy

Our music teacher Tony Perez accompanies his violin student on piano.

During lessons or classes, your teacher will practice with you so that you’ll feel confident performing on stage in front of an audience. 

They will go over the Top 5 Recital Etiquette Tips so you’ll know when it’s your turn, how to walk up and stand on stage, how to hold your instrument or sit down at the piano, and what to do when you have completed your pieces.

If you are displaying the art that you created as part of an Austin Arts Academy class, you choose the pieces you want showcased two weeks before the recitals.

Your artwork will be on display in the lobby for all of the recitals. The time you choose to attend recitals is when you will be recognized as the artist present, and enjoy seeing it displayed during the reception.

When you arrive at an Austin Arts Academy recital…

You’re here for the experience!

You walk in the front door 15-20 minutes before your scheduled recital time and there is a welcome table with a list of recital participants' names.

To check in, cross off your name on that list so that the team knows you have arrived and are prepared to perform. 

Next to the table (and on the door walking into the recital area) is a stand with a poster on it that will have a QR code to scan for the recital program.

The program is important because it outlines who is performing and how many pieces. Once the recital begins, you will need to follow along and know who performs before you so that you know when it’s your turn to go on stage. 

After the welcome table, you will walk through the lobby area where Austin Arts Academy Art Students have artwork displayed, as well as refreshments and cookies set out, which are for the reception that follows the recital performances. 

Your teacher may be in the lobby area, otherwise another team member can guide you towards the recital performance area, or to a space where you can warm up if you need.

Austin Arts Academy Team and Owner

Austin Arts Academy Team Members Kristen McHenry, Melissa Wolken and owner, Rebekah Trevelise

Once you enter the recital performance area, you will find a seat with your family in the audience and wait until it’s your turn to go on stage. You have practiced how to do this with your teacher and it’s also outlined here…

Remember to Practice, Practice, Practice so that you are comfortable with the recital process.

Come prepared, think positively and imagine success.

Also, it is important to be aware that performance anxiety is normal and it happens- don’t ignore it as it is possible and better to be prepared than unprepared and panic. 

You may be feeling excited, nervous, fearful, proud or worried that you might make a mistake. Don’t stress! We have tools and strategies for that.

Now it's your turn to perform. What to do if…

You’re feeling these Signs of Anxiety or Nerves: 

  • Increased heart rate

  • Trembling limbs or voice

  • Dry mouth or difficulty speaking

  • Cold, sweaty hands

  • Nausea or feelings of unease

  • Vision changes

  • Difficulty concentrating

  • Irritability

Your reaction to the experience is key to how you handle the situation. Use these strategies when you experience Performance Anxiety:

10 Strategies to Use for Performance Anxiety:

  1. Warm up

    Practice your pieces before your performance so you are prepared and the music is fresh in your mind.

  2. Move Your Body

    Take a walk or jump up and down to move your body. Remember to exit or enter in between performances so that you don’t interrupt or distract other students performing.

  3. Drink Water

    Take a drink of water, room temperature if possible. Be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, and use the restroom before the recital starts so you don’t have to go urgently before you perform.

  4. Take your Time

    Moving too quickly or rushing through the songs can be the cause of many errors that could be avoided.

  5. Keep Going

    If you do mess up, keep going. Don’t panic and keep playing.

  6. Mark your Music

    Mark your music with a spot you can always go back to if you get stuck or lost.

  7. Practice in Front of Others

    Practicing in front of other people or performing regularly allows you to practice these strategies and become more comfortable performing.

  8. Remain Focused

    Keep your eyes on the music and continue to move forward. Don’t fixate on shaking hands or fingers or the mistake you made, as that brings your awareness to the issue and not the solution. The solution is to keep going and keep playing.

  9. Breathing Techniques

    Focus on breathing deeply at a steady pace. This will help calm the mind and ease your nerves. Can you feel the breath go in your nose and out your mouth? Where does the breath go next? Where else do you feel it in your body? Visualize the breath going to your belly and your chest. Can you see your belly and chest rise and fall as you breathe in and out? Focusing your energy on your breath takes it off your thoughts about being nervous.

  10. Sleep

    Get a good nights sleep and avoid caffeine or sugary foods that can cause you to feel jittery before you perform. This is why we have the reception with cookies and punch after the recitals!

Congratulations, you did it!

You performed and supported other students, now it’s time to celebrate.

We’re proud of you! Go celebrate! Join your friends, family and teachers in the lobby and enjoy some punch, cookies and artwork.

It can be scary performing in front of others, and not knowing what to expect or how to handle it can make it even more nerve wracking.

Maybe performing at recitals is a goal you set out to achieve with lessons or classes at Austin Arts Academy, or something that you’ve always wanted to.

<<< 5 Tips for Setting Goals with Kids >>>

Check & Check…now you’ve done it!

If you feel up for it, you can record your experience so others can relate. We have a video testimonial area set up at recitals where you can share how incredible the Austin Arts Academy recital experience is!

Bonus, you’ll be entered into a drawing to win a $100 gift card, and parents can record testimonials too!

Recital Austin Arts Academy

A student proudly posing with his teacher, Emma Crawford, after both performed at recitals.

Experience Austin Arts Academy Winter 2022 Recitals, details below:

Recital Austin Arts Academy

Recital attendance as an audience member is always free, there is no cost to join us and experience it first hand!

Sign up for Music, Art, & Dance Classes or Lessons Now and prepare to perform in our Spring 2023 Recitals.

Course Catalog

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Written by Melissa Wolken
Contributing Writer, Culture Curator, and Admin Team Member

At Austin Arts Academy, we change the way you learn Music, Art, & Dance from rigid or boring to fun and engaging-an experience students will love at any age. 

Don't Know Where to Start? CLICK HERE

Watch our Spring May 2022 Virtual Recital HERE

We invite you to stay connected with us on social media where we share videos and posts every week showing what our students are learning, both in private lessons and in our group classes. 


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